ANALYSIS OF THE BOOK; Predictably Irrational (Strong underlying that form Our Decisions).)
We human beings do we call ourselves is to think, that if you compare us with other living beings, we are able to make decisions for critical thinking. While this is true, but it's not true at all. There are times when we make decisions without even thinking at all. There are certain situations in which force or make decisions without critical thinking. Things would probably not bad if these powers would be hidden or unknown. But evil is that these powers are not secret, so there are people who know how to use these powers, and what happens is that they use them to your benefit. That this is so powerful that one take decisions without thinking are predictable and so people can use them to find useful regardless of what you find. For example, trader finds something FREE, do not think he provides free fact, there are expensive you pay later. Author and psychologist Dan Ariely have written a book Predictably Irrational show us these powers to make decisions without thinking. Through this book we see the mistakes we made and how the restraint not to repeat those mistakes again. Welcome to the analysis of this book, the tushirikishane important to avoid making decisions without thinking. FACTS ABOUT THINGS conjunctions; WHY WE LOVE THINGS EVEN IF COMPARISON HAVIHUSIANI. We do things in comparison to other things, and this has been used to make people believe they chose to think, why they chose to influenced by others.
Humans tend to have characteristics to choose something after comparison with other items. So when we have to choose one thing, we are unable to make decisions. For example, when told the price of certain garments are myriad, if you have to buy clothes at all, you never know if that's the right price or not. But they find other clothes sold 9 thousand, and a thousand other 15 that now have a way to compare and know which to choose. This situation has been in trouble, especially when people who want to choose something that provides a comparison of the items which have not kept up. The goal is you see you choose something that is good for you, yet you admitted into the trap of choosing what people want to select.
Using this concept of comparing things to your benefit, on what you do, if you want people to choose something, then make sure you set the other things that are not the best if you want to choose, it chooses what you want to select. For example on business, you can have a product that is cherished and other products that are not ideal. Your goal is not to sell the product at best, but make customers choose the best product. Also on this concept of price comparison has its uses. For example, you can go to the restaurant and found a list of existing foods and food prices begins very large, then down food prices is small in comparison to those of the top, but is large compared to the normal price. You look at the list and see the food expensive if you come to what is seen is the cheapest price you will see is right for you to pay, even if out of that is sold more cheaply.
Avoid entering into the cost and influenced to make decisions without thinking alike through this comparison, you need to stop looking at the broad field. Stop looking things compare to all you do. If there is something you want, see its value and not compare it with other objects. THE PROBLEM OF POWER PRODUCTION AND NEED. On the economy, we believe the strength of the market is running things, pricing and even production and demand. That as something very needed, then its price will be high, production is also increasing. And so great producer price declines. This is true to think, but in reality, there are powers that control the production and demand and even prices excluding economic power.
Often the price of the first we heard on something, do we believe it's the real value of this object. So dealers have been chosen which put a price on something, even if it is not will for marking on people's minds that something of value in particular. From there, one has to be recorded that something costs around somewhat.
Have you ever wondered why someone would go to the supermarket to buy a mango two thousand shillings and not requested commutation, but he bought the hut he told one thousand will want to lessen? It's because people already have pictures of price and value in everything they do. So on your business and your work, make sure you built for them are the story of the value of what you are doing. Make absolutely know you should pay how much and it does
Socrates said that life is meaningless live. And so in order to avoid getting into the trap of price-made items, you need to stop the practices. You need self-reflection for everything you need and everything you paid for. Is that the true worth or what your records are made to believe? COST OF ZERO; By accepting paying off expensive WHY IS FREE. Traders know one thing, people like FREE and free people are investigating how much it is free. So they want to push people to take some action, they use the word FREE, it's not because they want to give free, but they know you want people to pay more, it set free, even if it's not true.
Kinachotusukuma people love free are the pros and cons of each transaction. You take the money to buy something, it is an act of danger, because money that you can not use it to do something else, you have already paid. But also what you paid for it if you're not sure if you want. But it is when it becomes FREE, we forget the loss and see only advantages. That you get something without paying, that you left your money, this seems to be an easy victory, but then large hidden losses.
They are given the things that are offered free, not free in any way. For example, you might open a bank account, banks are shedding one will cut a certain amount of money each month, while another bank tells you it's free, no deductions at all. It's easy to rush is free, but now you start using it, you discover that the bank does not deductions moon, has large deductions whenever you use their services, perhaps to give money to the machine. Free also prevents us from getting what we want. You can go buy something that you wanted and found there is nothing that is free, but it is to buy something you do not want. Maybe you told to buy two get one free, and then those two you should buy even need. Finally, free usually spends a lot of time, now you start to check the value of your time, you will discover the free is the cost.
Using this concept for your benefit, if you want to get many customers, then find something you can give free for your customers. For example, you can give something extra to the transaction exceeds a certain amount, or pay the fare and the other kind. It should be seen by the customer is free, even if the end of the day will pay the same amount. People like free, give free and will buy more.
Escape into the trap of free and then be required to pay more, all at the free world and do not rush, but ask you make a payment? Believe that nothing is free, so examine all you have been told is free and you will see the hidden costs. You will be more on the safe side if you quit and free stuff, even if you hear something free, you stayed away altogether. SOCIAL COSTS OF RULES; WHY WE LOVE TO DO THINGS BUT NOT PAID. Ukialikwa services rendered by him to dinner and found the food was prepared very well, food costs, good drinks, and all these are organized by law. Features and relaxing, everyone was complimenting the dinner was prepared well, then you will be standing by to say is this food was prepared very well, and you gave your wallet and ask climb, has spent much does it cost to prepare the evening meal is this? I want all your money. Do you think people will react to Him? It may be the last day closer to your wife's house. Although the food was prepared for the cost, try to pay the fees for the money, no one will understand. There are social costs, which are not for money. And this is important to know because of most grip.
We live in two worlds at once. One world driven by social rules where here the cost of items determined by social relations that exists. Second world driven by the laws of the market where the cost of items attributable to market value. The social cost is the support that friends and relatives are asking us for help. For example if you have a car and your friend has a car, and then drive it has refused to burn and pray and go to your car and help turn her car, you're going to hang you do not earn anything. Costs are the common market, the prices of materials, wages, taxes and other payments undertaken by agreement.
Many problems in the community, usually begin when social norms and rules of the market. For example have a working agreement, where one side is using social norms while the other side is using the principles of the market. Here who uses the principles of the market will see the pay is wrong, while one who uses social norms, concepts of his payments may be despised. So in your relationships with others, know where you are using the rules of the market, and where you use social norms and where you are using the principles of the market. Combined these two, you will get into trouble.
People want to do something meaningful to them and to others even if they do not get a great reward. That is why people often may very dedicates the work to help than that paid to work. This is because, people offered to help because they do mean to them and to others. So even at work or business, if you want people to give themselves more, just do not tell them that they will receive financial benefits, but do see something they participated in a great sense, take action.
On social norms, we have seen quite a money can destroy relationships. For example we used above, let's say the cost of preparing dinner were one hundred thousand, one hundred thousand paid-in-law will see it abused. But if you give him a gift that he will receive the same cost and very relaxing. So you want to pay people to social norms, avoid using money and gifts. People are happy and loving gift than to see you rewarded with the help. And most importantly, do not Openly express the price of the gift, or show you gifts because they have done something, you give a gift, received and strengthen relationships. INFLUENCE OF EMOTIONS OF SEX; WHY IS BEAUTIFUL THAN BEAUTIFUL VISUAL TUNAVYOFIKIRI. Strong emotions are deep mind killer. That's why people who make decisions while angry or very happy, he comes to regret that decision. But there are feelings that are very dangerous to make decisions, and these are the feelings of love or sexual feelings and especially when a person is when he comes near to the top of those feelings. Studies conducted by the author, shows things that are rejected with common sense, they are accepted during the sexual excitement.
Have you ever wondered why people have sex which is risky without using gloves? What about rape? Such things on the horizon is quite remarkable. But someone was in their environment that stimulate sexual feelings, he forgets everything and find himself those feelings. So to be a difficult man to know what decisions you make when you are ruled by a strong sense of sex, be sure to always puts the environment is a good non-admit.
You can not think clearly while under a strict sense, it is the feeling of love, feelings of anger or even happiness. So the only thing you have to do is wake up to find the same situation, is to do nothing. Be patient, do not decide or do anything. Take time to stop feeling zitulie. And in the case of sexual feelings, which is more severe, you need to build an environment that prevent you from taking action that you did not plan to take. For example avoid any environment that stimulates sexual feelings that did not expect to be made available. PROBLEM procrastination; WHY DO WE FAIL TO DO WHAT TUNAYOPANGA. Planning is not a problem, people are very planned, but when it comes to implementation is the problem located. They are popping up every reason why it is advisable to postpone doing what we planned to do. And when what we plan to do not bring immediate results, often becomes more difficult to make. We like to do things that make it a quick rest, than that They are torturing us now, but they generate future benefits. Take the example of saving and investing for the future. Everyone knows it's good to save for the future. But the implementation is where the difficulty begins. This is because the money you make savings, means deprived of a certain area of your life, something that many are not prepared to do at the moment.
Tunapopanga that we save, we have in normal conditions, relatively calm. And when our minds become work properly. But when we have the money, and see the things that we enjoy, our minds skip, feeling govern and we find ourselves doing things that we organize. I believe you've been very good plans for the money before we have the money, but the money and forget to disclose the sources of all programs.
Studies conducted by the author through the students show that people are fulfilling orders received more than they were not given orders. And those who are given the opportunity to set their own command, they perform than not quite have the command, but do not meet those given command. So you can do to stop putting it man-made orders. For example at the money, completely isolates the portion of expenditure, the share of investment and so on, and place a system that would distribute these texts directly. Another way to establish command is set to an agreement with someone that you do something and if you do not do then akuadhibu or give money and not turn back. MOST COST OF OWNERSHIP; WHAT MORE DO WE VALUE FOR TUNACHOMILIKI. In mauziano, there are two things going on, who buys something a keeper of little value and that he should pay a small amount of money. When a goalkeeper who sells something precious and that he should be paid a lot of money. This situation brought by the state's ownership, someone shajiambia something he possessed, he treasured most. This has been also makes people not having decisions thoughtfully.
First we we like it, you stay with something for a while is that you love and giving it more value. Secondly, we look at what we forfeited more than we've got, so he sells one thing, he felt like he lost what he owned and love and not get the money that he can use it for others. Three people think everyone can see the value and uniqueness of something that they feel. These three reasons are the heavy backlog makes people and things that do not need them, but they are willing to sell for a low price.
Merchants know better use to sell more state ownership. For example, the business conducted by the auction, whether actual auction or an online auction, when someone mentions the price and became the highest price, he began to see what the object is and wants his copyrights. Anapotokea someone else to mention the highest price, makes see is lost thereby adding more bid. Similarly to other businesses, people can be given the opportunity to try quite what they want to buy. Example drive to experiment before you buy. The act of driving, makes one see already owns the car and making it easier than sold.
Businesses use excessive force on the ads show people the same thing, that they have ownership of something they do not. And so they kept going to buy what they feel they should not have. So treat this concept of ownership, which many inawasukuma buy items at great prices while they do not need them, is prevention. For anything you buy or sell, be sure to quit as the owner. Look at something like one left entirely and give it value without inserting your feelings. The Book describes the different characteristics of human energy that drives these characteristics. I yokushirikisha These are rare and important, there are many more in the book. For example, the concept of having many choices, the idea of having great expectations and concepts of honesty, why do people have to trust the big things but they lack credibility on small things. Our human behavior are predictable and those who could have reasonably foreseen great advantage. Zinazokusukuma solar power to act without thinking in order to avoid being used by others for their own benefit to learn these things stated in the book were analyzed. Work on these that you learned from the analysis of this book so that you can see better results in your life. |
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